Allen's lung healing
I had a persistent cough that had plagued me off and on for several years. I had not gone to seek medical help. In April 2009 the cough had gotten so bad that I could not sleep laying down. Turned out to be water and a tumor in one lung but God had a plan!
Allen's Story
I had a persistent cough that had plagued me off and on for several years. I had not gone to seek medical help. In April 2009 the cough had gotten so bad that I could not sleep laying down. To sleep I would pile pillows on the kitchen table. Siting in a chair and resting my head on the pillows was the only way I could sleep. When I finally fell asleep the pillows sagged and immediately I was in the middle of a coughing fit wide awake. I did this for 21 days.
In April 2009 I went to see a doctor. He immediately took a chest x ray and followed up with a CT scan. The result showed a non functioning lung, water on one lung, a closed bronchial tube, a tumor, and some fibroid material. He referred me to a lung specialist at Luther Middleford hospital
Many questions and thoughts run through your mind at a time like this. I had prayed for and seen many people healed and I asked hourly, Lord Why? After church, the Sunday after the medial team had examined me God told me he was going to heal me. The next night, no cough, no pain, and I slept 12 hours in my own bed.
The day before God healed me a medical team from Luther Middleford Hospital examined me. Due to the irritation, swelling and location the medial team was unable to take a biopsy, however they did get a swab from a part of the lung. The Lab showed good news, "No Cancer". The specialist scheduled a follow up for the next week and told me he had to look deeper. The question at hand was; Should they go through the chest? The doctor said we will reschedule for the following week. He gave me some cough syrup and antibiotics to ease the coughing and I went home confused, bewildered, concerned and back to the pile of pillows.
The return trip to the medical team showed an open functioning lung, no water, no tumor, no closed bronchial. When they did the bronchial tracheotomy and took a swab to check the lung they said there was nothing there. There was no need for a biopsy because we had no tumor. A CT scan May 9th showed a clear lung. Praise God
Before | After